He Makes Me Lie Down – A Prayer from Psalm 23:2

The following post is a prayer that was originally published on May 3, 2020. This is an updated and slightly edited version of the original post.

“My Good Shepherd, you make me lie down in contentment in what I have in you. I can feast on spiritual blessings for my whole life and eternity since every spiritual blessing is mine in you. All spiritual blessings are mine, yet the greatest blessing of all is to be yours and to have you as my Shepherd. Such a high price paid! The highest! You, the Son of God, became man and died my death for me.

“Father, make me content with what I  have in you. May I not be restless with the world’s priorities and troubles.

“Spirit, calm me in my Good Shepherd. May I feast on your greatness, beauty, and blessings through reading the Word, meditating on the Word, and praying the Word.

Amen.” (Psalm 23:1-2; Ephesians 1:3; John 10:6-30)